Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 17th April, 2019 4.15 pm (Item 43.)

The files for each application are available for public inspection at the Council Offices.


Key to the following decisions:


ADV - Consent to Display Adverts; ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters; CI - Certificate of Lawfulness Issued; CON - Conservation Area Consent; D - Deferred; D (INF) - Deferred for Further Information; D (SV) - Deferred for Site Visits; D (PO) - Deferred for Planning Obligation; D (NEG) - Deferred for Negotia­tions; FCG - Consent for Tree Work; PCR TPO Part Consent/Part Refusal; LBC - Listed Building Consent; OP - Outline Planning Permission;  P - Application Permitted; R - Refused or Rejected;  R (AO) – Refused against Officer recommendation;  RC - Removal of Condition;  TC - Temporary Consent; TP - Temporary Permission;  ULBC - Unconditional Listed Building Consent;  UP - Unconditional Permission;  VG - Variation Granted;  W - Application Withdrawn.








Plan Number:




Mr Mav Sandhu


Erection of six flats incorporating vehicular access and hardstanding at The Other House, Beeches Drive, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3JT.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Mr David Spruzen and Mr Alan McMahon. The District Councillor Dev Dhillon also spoke against the application.
  • Officers advised the Committee that an appeal had been lodged against the Council’s failure to determine the application within the statutory time period, and as such the application would be determined by the Planning Inspectorate. Therefore the Committee were asked to indicate what the decision of the Council would have been in the absence of an appeal being lodged.
  • In response to queries from Members officers advised that the tree officer was satisfied that there would be no detrimental impact on trees at the site. However, it was confirmed that the tree officer would be asked to look again at concerns raised by the objectors.


Councillor J Jordan proposed that the Committee be minded refuse the application for the reasons outlined in the report, and in addition for reasons that it would not be consistent with the overall character of the area, that the plot would not be large enough to accommodate sufficient levels of private amenity space for 6 dwellings, and the lack of a separate access to the basement car park which would cause conflict between pedestrians and vehicles and would also act as a disincentive to use the parking provision. This proposal was seconded by Councillor P Hogan and agreed unanimously at a vote.


RESOLVED that the Committee be minded refuse the application for the reasons outlined in the report, and in addition for reasons that it would not be consistent with the overall character of the area, that the plot would not be large enough to accommodate sufficient levels of private amenity space for 6 dwellings, and the lack of a separate access to the basement car park which would cause conflict between pedestrians and vehicles and would also act as a disincentive to use the parking provision.



Plan Number:




Mr Ramandeep Singh Sohal


Part two storey/part single storey side extension, single storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Extension of vehicular access at 68 Wattleton Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1RY.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • There was no public speaking on the application.
  • Officers advised that the Council would be seeking amended plans to ensure that materials used would match the exterior of the existing dwelling.


Councillor B Gibbs proposed that the application be delegated to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to approve subject to the receipt of amended proposed plans for the front extension to more accurately reflect the existing design of the front elevation and surrounding development. This proposal was seconded by Councillor M Lewis and agreed unanimously at a vote.


RESOLVED that the application be delegated to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to approve subject to the receipt of amended proposed plans for the front extension to more accurately reflect the existing design of the front elevation and surrounding development.



Plan Number:




Mr George Martin


Construction of two detached dwellings, modification of access and hardstanding, following demolition of existing building at Byways, Gregories Farm Lane, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1HJ.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Mrs Sarojini Philpot.
  • Speaking on behalf of the applicant, Mr Sam Tiffin.
  • Officers advised that discussions had taken place with the applicant which had resulted in positive changes being made to the application including the removal of a garage and changes to the design of the front elevation.
  • Members were advised that a condition could be added to require the applicant to provide details of the gates to be used.


Councillor J Jordan proposed that the application be permitted subject to the conditions and informatives outlined in the officer’s report, with the inclusion of an additional condition requiring the applicant to provide details of all front boundary enclosures, including gates. This proposal was seconded by Councillor M Lewis and agreed unanimously at a vote.


RESOLVED that the application be permitted subject to the conditions and informatives outlined in the officer’s report, with the inclusion of an additional condition requiring the applicant to provide details of all front boundary enclosures, including gates.




Plan Number:




Mr Zia Hussain


Erection of stables, incorporating storage area. Provision of vehicular access at Neelam Stables, Parsonage Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3PE.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Mr Tristan Miles. The District Councillor Dev Dhillon also spoke against the application.
  • Speaking in support of the application, Mr Zia Hussain.
  • Officers advised that the application was identical in terms of size and siting to an approved application from 2003 which had not been implemented and this was a material planning consideration. There had been no major changes to local or national policy applicable to the application since it was originally approved.
  • It was clarified that the application was for two stables and a tack room/hay store. Proposed condition 3 restricts use to the keeping of horses. Any future change of use would require planning permission.
  • It was requested that condition 3 be re-worded to clarify that "commercial purposes" would not include letting the stable and land as a whole.
  • Concern was expressed with the proposed design and materials of the building not being in keeping with its agricultural setting and proposed use.


Councillor B Gibbs proposed that the application be deferred pending discussions between officers and the applicant to find a more appropriate design of building which would be consistent with its use for the stabling of horses within an agricultural setting. This proposal was seconded by Councillor J Jordan and agreed at a vote.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred pending discussions between officers and the applicant to find a more appropriate design of building which would be consistent with its use for the stabling of horses within an agricultural setting.



Plan Number:




Mr Sameer Mohidin


Demolition of existing house and erection of new detached dwelling, creation of vehicular access at 11 Britwell Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 8AQ.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Mr Brian Dawson.
  • Officers advised that the creation of a new access to the site was now a pre-occupation condition rather than a pre-commencement condition.
  • It was advised that the removal of a wall shared with the neighbouring property was covered under the Party Wall Act 1996 and was not a material planning consideration.
  • Officers advised that further legal advice would be needed to respond to a query from Members relating to potential harm caused to the neighbouring property.


It was proposed by Councillor M Bezzant that the application be deferred to enable further discussion between officers and the applicant seeking to resolve the issues around the shared wall with the neighbouring property, and to enable officers to obtain further legal advice. This proposal was seconded by Councillor B Gibbs and agreed at a vote.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred to enable further discussion between officers and the applicant seeking to resolve the issues around the shared wall with the neighbouring property, and to enable officers to obtain further legal advice.



Plan Number:




Mr Harvey


Redevelopment of site to create two detached dwellings, landscaping and hardstanding at 3 Owlsears Close, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1SS.


  • A site visit was undertaken by Members.
  • Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Dr Peter Sanders.
  • Officers advised that the application contained only minor changes to the application approved in 2013 and amended in 2014.
  • It was clarified that the two dwellings would be two storey.


Councillor M Bezzant proposed that the application be permitted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report. This proposal was seconded by Councillor J Jordan and agreed unanimously at a vote.


RESOLVED that the application be permitted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report.








Plan Number:




Mr D Crisp


Conversion of stable building to a residential dwelling at Old Oak Farm, Parsonage Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3PA.



  • Officers advised that the applicant was prepared to remove all of the storage containers on the site, and to keep only one mobile field shelter.


The officer recommendation to grant conditional permission, with a Section 106 agreement requiring the removal of all of the storage containers and all but one of the mobile field shelters on the site, was put to the Committee by the Chairman and was agreed.


RESOLVED that the application be delegated to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to approve subject to a Section 106 agreement requiring the removal of all of the storage containers and all but one of the mobile field shelters on the site.







The Committee received for information a list of the applications dealt with under delegated authority by the Head of Planning & Economic Development.